Welcome to our a-IPC and CIC exam preparation portal

Learn from Industry Experts through our online courses designed to set you up for success

Actionable Training

Our courses are designed to enable you to quickly understand infection control concepts and practices.


We integrate quizzes and assignments to our courses to enable you test your knowledge, giving you a solid foundation for the exam.

Premium Material

We have bundled all our premuim resources and success secrets into materials that you can download.

Our Most Popular Courses

Courses that sets you appart from the rest.

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Our award winning instructors are highly skilled professionals who have trained many students and helped them achieve excellence in the a-IPC and CIC exams.

We help you to

These are skills that ensure you are fully prepared for the exam and help you avoid any surprises.

Our platform is built on optimized technology to enable you get the best out of your leaning in a clean, beautiful and easy to navigate website interface that supports diverves content types to facilitate your learning.

Our instrutors are professionals in the field who have consistently delivered results for decades, by helping many of students succeed in their a-IPC and CIC exams.

What Our Students Have to Say

"In a few words, I felt great about the course.  The delivery of the content was comfortable considering a busy schedule.I enjoyed how the tutor went above and beyond in the course's delivery and how knowledgeable he was. The environment and atmosphere was great and set the tone, each time, for a great session"
Marc Fervy
"The course was methodological sound and very helpful"
"Dr. Ashu was very professional and knowledgeable with the information when presented and if he was in doubt he will follow up and come back with answers. His ability to provide one-on-one support, prior to the exam, in areas where students needed to focus was amazing which for sure helped me feel more confident in areas we covered"

Be fully prepared for your a-IPC and CIC exams